Sunday, December 29, 2013


source: recoveringlazyholic
My spending strike begins in two days! I should probably start meditating or something to put myself in the right mindset. My goal is to pay off my credit card debt, but I hope this experience forces me to be creative with the time I would normally spend spending money. It will be very interesting since I already gripe about how my city is so boring and there isn't anything to do.
You can't start a spending strike without a wants and needs list. I'm including mine here today, but I've added some exceptions.

what I HAVE to spend money on in 2014 (my needs):
  • rent
  • utilities (keeping lights off and keeping heat under 63...hopefully lower...I'm a wimp)
  • cell phone (I know I'd save a chunk of change if I tossed my iPhone, but I don't want to talk about it)
  • food (strictly sticking to a grocery list, not tossing in junk foods at the last minute, trying to use as much food we already have before getting more)
  • gas (I've considered taking the bus to work but it doesn't run at the appropriate times)
  • school books and monthly tuition payments
  • car stuff (loan payment, insurance, yearly inspection, registration, possibly new tires--ugh)
  • Hulu (we don't have cable, it's a source of entertainment and inexpensive)
  • animal stuff (food, cat litter, vet bills--luckily I work at an animal clinic and get a discount, but 2 of my 3 animals have had surgery in 2013)
  • best friend's July wedding in San Diego (plane ticket, bridesmaid's dress/shoes--I'll be as frugal and cheap as I can)
what I EXPECT to spend money on in 2014:
  • seeing The Book of Mormon when it comes to town
  • the 4th and 5th Game of Thrones books on Kindle (I'm almost finished with the 3rd and can't stop now!)
  • haircuts (I don't go too often, maybe 3-4 times a year--I may consider seeking out a haircutting student)
  • marathon registration fees (gotta keep training if I want to run a full marathon by the time I'm 30)
  • ONE new pair of scrubs for work
  • new hiking boots or running shoes (but only if I've saved the money and have the cash in hand)
  • food money for my trip to San Diego in January (I wasn't expecting to go but Matt's parents generously paid for my plane ticket--I'll be staying with family and solely visiting to meet my baby nephew and meet up with my bride-to-be best friend, so I expect to occasionally eat out and get groceries)
what I'm not NOT going to spend money on in 2014 (my wants):
  • clothes (I probably won't ever set foot inside a Target in 2014)
  • gifts (sorry friends and family...I'm pretty crafty, so we'll see how far that takes me)
  • take-out (no more pizza or sushi or Chinese food or Five Guys?!)
  • going out to the movies (maybe I'll watch everything on my Netflix queue!)
  • home decor (again...buh-bye Target)
So, there it guidelines for my 2014 spending strike. My wants list doesn't seem too over the top, but according to my budget, in a matter of 6 months I spent over $2,000 on take-out, snacks, "spending money"--basically frivolous shopping, and on my line of credit (overdraft). Yes, I frequently borrowed money from my line of credit and currently owe it money! 

Oh boy, oh boy!

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